Meet our experts

Introducing more than 50 professionals with an incredible amount of passion for what we do. Get to know us. We’re the ones changing the image of the cattle industry.

It should go without saying that we love what we do.

We spend a lot of time getting to know the people we work with, and now it’s your turn to learn more about us.


Todd Drake

                        Chief Executive Officer                                                 

Aaron Goldsmith

            President/Chief Financial Officer                              

Brandon Hinck

       Director of Feed Merchandising          Director of Feedlot Performance

Grant Rathje

                 Sr. Director of Client Services                                  

Cameron Eckmann

               Director of Client Development                                 

Alex Gerdes

         Director of Risk Management             Director of Cattle Procurement

Kristen Lange

Director of Brand & Communications

Tiana McKee

Director of People & Culture

Kyle Holtmeyer

Director of Finance & Operations

Client Development

Jim Phillips

Sr. Market Analyst

Noah Blomendahl

Cattle Business Manager

Ryley Spatz

Cattle Business Manager

Gavin Cooper

Cattle Business Manager

Adam Wolfe

Cattle Business Manager

Ted Fanta

Market Advisor

Dominic Bragg

               Market Advisor                                                

Shane Duffy

Market Advisor

Seth Willets

                Market Advisor                                              

Ross Spencer

Market Analyst

Sarah Kalman

Market Analyst

James Hogan

Sales Support Specialist

Brand & Communications

Katelyn Downing

               Brand Specialist                                                 

Emily Zahurones

      Digital Media Specialist                                          

Finance & Operations

Jodi Tish

Senior Staff Accountant

Mindi Hellbusch

Senior Staff Accountant

Matt Kathol

    Operational Accountant                                     

Taylor Hull

Commodities Trade Specialist

Annie Lund

Commodities Trade Specialist

Karissa Bennett

 Blended Operations Manager

Vanessa Krause

Nodaway Office Manager

Cattle Feeding

Kristi Drake

Feedyard Manager

Damon Sunderman

Nodaway Feedyard Foreman

Colten Drake

Feedlot Performance Manager

Zach Kaup

Feedlot Performance Specialist

Doug Cooper

Feedyard Operations

Wyatt Baker

Feedyard Operations

Kody Syverson

Feedyard Operations

Francis Cullen


Feed Merchandising

Dana Morgan

Senior Ingredient Merchandiser

Chris Beyer

Senior Ingredient Merchandiser

Jeffrey Katz

Ingredient Merchandiser

Carlos Munoz

Ingredient Merchandiser

Zach McMillin

Logistics Merchandiser

Beth Baudler Christensen

Beef Nutrition Specialist

Josh Woods

    Beef Nutrition Specialist                   

Kobi Nowels

Blended Feed Delivery

Career Accelerator Program

Zachary Zwiebel

Career Accelerator Program

Sydney Wellsandt

Career Accelerator Program

Hallie Rootkie

Career Accelerator Program

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